The online edition of the Wall Street Journal is reporting that Portland city commissioner Sam Adams decided to run for mayor.
Some local radio hosts registered the Web addresses http://www.samadamsformayor.com and http://www.mayorsamadams.com, and promised to give them to Adams if he discussed his mayoral platform on their show.
The radio hosts then received a cease-and-desist letter from the Boston Beer Company last week. “Boston Beer has used the trademarks SAM ADAMS and SAMUEL ADAMS since 1984,” said the letter.
The radio hosts — who detail the “brew-ha-ha” here — have responded by broadcasting the sound of a Sam Adams pint being poured into the toilet.
That's just stupid. If the guy's name is Sam Adams, how can the beer company keep him from registering a web site with that name?
Well said, Greg Budweiser!
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