If you don't already have a Discover Card, you should get one now. Not only do you get up to 1% cash back on all your purchases, you get 5% cash back on different things every few months (now it's gas, hotels, and other travel things). You can also use their shopping site at http://discovercard.com/shop to get 5% more back at selected stores like Circuit City.
It's a good credit card and if you sign up now through My Easy Rewards you will get a free iPod Shuffle too. The 1GB model is worth about $80.
We did this a few months ago through My Easy Rewards and everything is legit - we received our iPod Shuffle in a few weeks.
Is an iPod shuffle worth a potential hit to your credit rating?
Yes, it is worth it.
Unless you've applied for a lot of credit cards lately.
Every time you fill out a credit application you are giving the lender permission to access your credit reports. When they access your credit reports they automatically post what is called an "inquiry". The inquiry is a record of who pulled your credit report and on what date. Federal law requires that the lender post the inquiry. It also requires that the inquiry remain on the report for 24 months.
Inquiries are used by credit scoring models to determine whether or not someone is shopping for credit. It is a statistical fact that consumers who have more inquiries are higher credit risks than consumers with fewer inquiries. As such, the more inquiries you have the more points you will lose in your credit scores. While the exact point value is a closely guarded secret by the credit scoring companies you should assume that your scores would suffer if you have an excessive amount of inquiries.
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